Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, my favourite place in Denmark

Come and check why

Letícia Manosso
6 min readOct 4, 2020
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Today I will explain to you why the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art is my favourite museum in the world. But before that, you will need a little bit of background.

I’ve always loved museums, and I always will.

However, I am not exactly that type of person who stands by a piece of art and stares at it for 10 minutes. Not that person at all.

I usually spend more time on the surroundings of the museum, at the cafe, the library, the shopping area, the resting area, or the green area whenever possible.

On these spots, you can observe not only the art itself but people.

The beautiful surroundings of Louisiana Museum, Denmark

I enjoy the art of observing how people face art.

Do they judge it?

Do they talk about it?

Do they take pictures?

Or they only do a dynamic view of everything and go to the next exhibition room?

